An introduction to coppicing in the context of cooperative working

An introduction to coppicing in the context of cooperative working

Hosted by the Coppice Coop.

This is a physically distanced in-person event and booking is essential.

The session will include a guided walk in the woodland nature reserve adjacent to our depot to see one of our active coppice management rotations and its effect on biodiversity, landscape character, and economic sustainability, and a a discussion about the cooperative working model in the context of sustaining livelihoods from regenerative woodland management / nature conservation, through traditional rural heritage crafts. There will be an opportunity to view a range of woodland crafts and coppice products, including demonstrations of some of the craft skills. 


Duncan Goulder’s background is in nature reserve management and ecology. He joined Coppice Coop in 2015 following a lifelong interest in woodland craft.

Sam Ansell is a founder member of The Coppice Coop (2013) after graduating from the BHMAT coppice apprenticeship.



Oct 09 2020


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

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